Viktoriya Hrynevych
master in Communikation Culture and Technologies of Information, University Institute of Lisbon ISCTE-IUL

Modern consumer market is the competition of brands trade marks and publicity images to win the consumers’ confession. Every year great quantities of new goods come to the market; the majority of them are presented by dozens and hundreds of trade marks. The companies need brands, and that stimulates the producers to realize the actuality of adaptation of brand conceptions to the market conditions.

A powerful brand is the most valuable assert of any company. However, creation of a brand and raising of its valuability is a long and complex process not only within traditional marketing but also beyond it. A really popular brand cannot be created only by means of mass advertising or numerous proclamations. The emotion part always prevails in the image of a brand; its main resources are consumers’ trust, human values and positive associations. Most frequently success is achieved by the company which manages to integrate such values and emotions with their common business and any marketing situation as to the brand image.

Brand is the whole complex of impressions made by the product -   positive and negative, rational and emotional – upon the consumers and personnel of the company. So a powerful brand can be created according to two conditions, each of them being necessary but not enough without other one.

The first of the above mentioned conditions in the availability of high quality product undoubtedly necessary for a consumers and profitable for producers and distributors.

This condition is a kind of the basis of a brand which enables all of the burther actions for the creation and   development of a trade mark.

The second condition is the emotion-information component of a brand. It is necessary for the functioning of a trade mark, even if the latter has all other type indication and wide popularity. According to the second condition a brand may by defined as a from of unique information which provides mutually profitable relations on the intersystem level and which stimulates consumer to buy.

Hereditary information is known to be stored in the gene code of a person. Each trade mark also has its “gene” code – a set of values and concepts, or the so called “core” around which a brand is created. That is why before development of a brand it is necessary to analyze the components of its “gene” code as well as its ability to store recreate and integrate the “hereditary” information.

“Gene” code of a brand is its essence it comprises both outer and inner characteristes of a brand, recreates its advantages and delivers them to consumers.

The elements of a “gene” code must be sufficient and coordinated. Too saturated or uncertain “gene” code of a brand is not clear to consumers. Valuability of a brand has direct connection to the essence of the “gene” code.

The foundation for the construction of the “gene” code of a brand is the so called aesthetical code, which appears to be an image and symbol notion of a brand, born by all spheres of the consumer culture. The main spheres of the symbol image are the following: fashion, religion, science, philosophy, humor, rituals, sports, education, law, language, technology, history, monarchy, arts, animals, cuisine, geography, pop-culture.

 The list of the speres may by prolonged according to the character of goods, services or brand categories. The esthetic codes of the goods categories are identically assumed by the consumer groups and can by used to influence the aimed consumers.

The outer cover of a brand includes the company business culture and “common language” of the brand and consumers; social image comprising family and professional relations; personal image – that is the image of the certain group of consumers.



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