Dvoininova Olena
Consultant-educator dos jovens.Casa yes juventura Porto . Portugal

Modern society is dynamic. Constant changes impose on the individual inflated social demands, which are aimed at overcoming everyday difficulties in various spheres of life. A person, faced with difficult life circumstances in everyday life, can resist them, but often, feels powerless in front of them, the inability to influence the situation. This leads to the formation of helplessness. One of the main factors in the formation of helplessness is the low level of vitality of the individual.

The youthful period of life is the most favorable for the formation of vitality. It is part of the regulatory system of the individual. It is important for improving the physical and mental health of young people while overcoming life's difficulties.

Resilience in life is a system of beliefs about oneself, the world , and relationships with the world . Life resilience _ man associated with the possibility overcoming stress , support physical and psychological health , with optimism , self-efficacy , subjective satisfaction own life , the ability to personal self-development [1].

The concept of viability was proposed by American psychologists S. Kobeis and S. Muddy . Many years of research experience have made it possible to argue that life influences people's behavior.

Some young people, under the influence of stress mobilize, find reserve personal resources, succeed. Others fall into a state of apathy, indifference, try to hide from new opportunities, seek to maintain the previous habitual state, are afraid to change anything.

The founder of the psychological phenomenon of learned helplessness M. Seligman states: learned helplessness is a psychological state that is formed as a result of awareness of uncontrolled events. It is manifested by specific deficits: cognitive, emotional and motivational [3].

To achieve This goal was formed by us research sample . Selective totality made up 30 young men aged 17-18 .

In the empirical study, we used the following techniques: "Test of viability" (S. Muddy , adaptation of D. Leontiev) and the test for the locus of control J. Rotter .

At the beginning of the study, based on the obtained indicators of attributive style, self-assessment of emotional states, the need to succeed and the characteristics of the locus of control of the subjects, we conditionally identified three groups of young men who were called "helpless" (19.3 %), "Independent" (26.4%) and "mixed group" (54.3%). The group of "helpless" included subjects with high rates of pessimism, negative emotional states, low rates of need to succeed and external locus of control. The group of "independent" included students with opposite indicators.

According to the results of the method "Test of viability" (S. Muddy , adaptation of D. Leontiev) revealed the relationship of life stability with helplessness and independence. The results indicate that helpless young men are characterized by a lower level of vitality. Independent - higher than in the usual sample. In the mixed group - an indicator of vital stability within the norm.

Thus, the results of theoretical analysis of scientific sources and empirical research give grounds to assert the existence of a close relationship between life stability and helplessness of students. "Helpless" students are characterized by a lower level of resilience. This affects their behavior, minimizing active actions, attempts to change anything. Such people " predict " absence success _ do Less efforts and accordingly seek smaller results in.
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