Tуkhonova Tetiana
Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National University, PhD in educational psychological
Shatyrko Larysa
H. S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, senior researcher

Challenges of the social situation in Ukraine are reflected at the level of the psychological component of educational processes and actualize the problem of preserving ethnic identity and cultural originality against the background of multicultural realities. Foreign language competence, as a factor in the formation of a personality in a multicultural educational space, implies that a person is aware of the responsibility for the integrity and stability of this space. Аn individual must invest his or her efforts, personal and moral and material resources.

One of the characteristic features of today's Ukrainian society is the increasing role of ethnic and cultural identity. At the same time, the value of multiculturalism, tolerant relations, and dialogues of cultures is recognized. Against the backdrop of significant positive changes in the overall picture of the multicultural educational space, society realizes the need for integrative efforts of specialists in various fields to develop specific mechanisms for using culturally appropriate forms of organizing the educational process.

The multicultural educational space actualizes the ideas of tolerance, mutual understanding, integrity and partnership. The structure and content of a multicultural educational space immanently involves dialogicity, since only through dialogue is interaction between individual subcultures is possible. Multicultural educational space in the system of socialization provides the individual with general norms in the system of "person-culture-society", increases adaptive capabilities, while preserving the ethnic and cultural identity of the individual.

The tasks of educational institutions of different levels are aimed at preserving and developing the mother tongue in a multicultural educational space, as well as at forming the need for foreign language competence of the individual. Knowledge of language, norms, ideas, traditions contained in the ethno-cultural experience of society, become the basis for the holistic development of the individual in the learning process.  The culture of the native and foreign language is a mutually conditioned process of formation of general cultural competence. Numerous practical requests actualize the problem of organizing the educational process, language and speech development in a multicultural educational space.The multicultural educational space complicates and enriches the resource opportunities of the educational process aimed at forming the language and speech competence of the individual.     The activity-based approach is a productive theoretical basis for building pedagogical systems of foreign language teaching. The dialogic organization of work in the classroom allows students to gain experience of cooperation in the process of solving educational tasks, to interact constructively with partners, to develop communication skills and strategies. The authors propose a methodology for teaching a foreign language. The methodology is aimed at improving the foreign language competence of an individual in a multicultural educational space. The formation is based on the improvement of speech activity, taking into account the peculiarities of all languages that form a multicultural educational space.  The importance of mental realities of the native and foreign languages is emphasized.  Dialogic forms of learning organization and interdisciplinary tasks are actively used. Awareness of the phenomena of language and speech is the basis for understanding the laws of building the structure of speech. The formation of oral speech and language communication skills on the basis of mastering the literary language of another nation is considered as the main goal of the foreign language course. The development of the sound culture of speech, increasing vocabulary, mastering the grammatical structure of the language contributes to the development of constructive ways of interaction and cooperation with other people. These theoretical guidelines are implemented in the construction of a foreign language course. The use of interactive forms of teaching based on the linguistic semantic analysis of the text proposed by the authors creates opportunities for understanding the mechanisms of generation and perception of speech, the formation of skills and abilities of normative use of language in different situations and areas of communication.

The text analysis, dialogicity, control and evaluation forms of work in our methodology contribute to students' understanding of the peculiarities of selecting and using language material in specific life situations.  The communicative situation in a foreign language interacts with the corresponding communicative situations of the native language. A foreign language text becomes the subject of a communicative situation in the native language.

The authors propose forms of organizing classes taking into account the actualization of control and essesment activities. For students, control and evaluation interaction is one of the most important means of communication in the classroom. The assessment scheme is based on an understanding of the educational purpose of the assessment, actualization of the structural elements of the language and speech learning process itself.  A structured approach to the evaluation of reports, presentations and messages allows you to involve all members of the learning group in the evaluation process. Active structured interaction of students in the classroom, work in groups allows solving the following tasks: enriching the volume of language tools; developing the ability to listen and hear others, express and argue their point of view; developing skills in working with text; developing the ability to construct new texts. These tasks contribute to the development of both foreign language competence and the formation of the structure of native speech.

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